Halo: Dei Terrae is book two of the Halo Trilogy. It starts on the planet Dei Terrae as the people of Halo explore their environment, attempt to set up their civilization and to make enough progress in technology to meet up with the space station Halo in one hundred and twenty years as it makes a near pass to their planet. Their efforts to establish agriculture, the wood, metal, glass, and electrical ages as a staging platform for entering the electronic and the space age are stymied as the civilization is split among a utopian society, and as pitted against a dystopian society from the original group. A war ensues and it remains unclear if they would be able to survive, not only the war, but their dying sun. Their only hope is in their being able to get back to Halo, and to flee the star system they had thought would provide them with their new home.
Halo: Dei Terrae answers many questions that were left unanswered in book one of the Halo Trilogy...Halo: The Beginning, as it sets the stage for the third and final book of the trilogy, Halo: The Return. The story is rich in character development and in the psychological manifestations of those of good and of those of evil, and of their effects on the future of all of humankind.