Internet Encounters chronicles how an African American woman hoping to find safe, secure, and unconditional love in cyberspace from her corner of the earth in Harlem eventually found it in herself, not a man. She endures many dating mishaps, blunders, and misfortunes along the way, documented here in this hilarious book. From the outrageous and rude to the just plain weird, all of these encounters are entertaining. Learn what transpires when duplicitous men, who put on facades of availability and sincerity in chat rooms, turn into nightmares from hell in the real world!
Finding Mr. Right is for many women a grueling and frustrating process that doesn't necessarily have a happy ending. Internet Encounters shows women of color that they are not alone in their hopes to find the right man, but it also demonstrates that finding love begins with self. When we can emphatically embrace and empower ourselves with the three hundred and sixty degrees of power, beauty, and intellect bestowed upon us by our Creator it will become much easier to identify and avoid the wolves in sheep's clothing.