Eric Underwood, also known as Spaghetti Legs and Pizza Features, serves up the final course in the pasta trilogy: Lasagne Brain.
Eric would love to be an intellectual and here he unexpectedly takes the journey from boyhood to manhood, and the only question he wants to ask is: can he go back?
With his mind-boggling essays driving teachers out of their minds, the love of his life Veronica Roberts dumping him, his best friend hanging round Woolies with a trolley full of bananas hoping to pick up more than potassium poisoning, and his father watching pre-recorded golf, there’s only one thing for Eric to do: retreat to his bedroom in self-imposed exile.
Eric’s ambition is to lock himself away for the rest of his teenage years. And if it wasn’t for the Teletubbies and the arrival of Imelda, the Scots girl he French kissed in an English pub, he might just have made it!