According to the urban dictionary found online, the term 'country girl' is described as attractive, stubborn, polite, and determined. Big on honesty and moral values, a country girl knows right from wrong and isn't afraid of what other people think. A country girl is tough, but has a softer side that can often be seen around people and animals.
These seem like desirable traits in a girlfriend, but there are several more reasons for guys to love dating country girls. Never underestimate the abilities of a country girl because she enjoys proving you wrong. If you aren't convinced that a country girl is the woman of your dreams, read on. Listed below are nine more reasons to chase a country girl until she catches you!
In this series of sensual couple reports I have contrasted and compared the contemporary advice and information with relevant excerpts from the literature of previous centuries. Apart from the obvious grammar and spelling differences, it is apparent that not a lot has changed in the intervening period! Boy still meets girl and then nature takes over.