"Peace in my Valley" is a selected collection of my classic Christian poems designed to comfort, encourage and inspire the reader in this world we often described as full of toil and trouble. The title alludes to a period in my life when as a youngster I lived on a farm in Pleasant Valley Township near Bonesteel, South Dakota. Our family eked out a living on hilly terrain that was half pasture and half producing fields, but we were a God-fearing family devoted to getting to church and Sunday School every Sunday and worshipping God. Those were among the best years of my life as we lived off farm produce and meat through hard work and hard times. There was peace in my valley and love in our hearts for each other, something often missing in modern day families.
I was inspired by nature, farm animals, friends, relatives and reading of the Bible. You may share these feelings with me in the poetry reflective of an earlier and I believe better time. When you don't have much, often you appreciate more what you have. That was my case, and it will come shining through the mists of time. These poems are the next volume of collected Christian poetry with my previous one, "Christian Poetry for the Heart and Soul Because Christ is in Control," covering the past year of early 2021 to mid-2022.