Taking Chances - Volume Three: Dani's Bet: Dani is Roberta's younger niece. She is an academically-gifted, sexually late-blooming college senior at Roberta's alma mater. In this novella of about 36,000 words Dani finds a way to satisfy her budding sexual curiosity: she discovers a way to learn the sexual secrets of others. And what secrets they are: kinky pleasures that Dani had never even imagined before. Eventually she comes upon the knowledge of her Aunt Roberta's humiliations from years before (Taking Chances - Volume Two: Roberta's Bet) and determines to do something to make it right and give her aunt the vicarious thrill of having won her bet with her lab assistants. But in order to do this she must lure two campus date-rape predators into a supremely dangerous wager. Will she emerge victorious and unscathed, or go down to humiliating defeat, as had her Aunt Roberta?