Years of research and experimentation have gone into this collection of over 200 flower cookery recipes. Exotic and delicate, flowers can flavor and color anything from Lime-Blossom Punch to Marigold Cheese Soup to Lavender Apple Crisp.
Every edible flower has a different flavor, texture, and potential use. Nasturtiums have a peppery taste similar to watercress and can be used as a garnish. Chrysanthemums make an excellent addition to most salads. Roses, probably the most popular of all culinary flowers, are very high in vitamin C and can flavor anything from mayonnaise to syrup. Marigolds can take the place of saffron, a very expensive herb. Carnations have a spicy flavor similar to cinnamon or cloves, and day lilies are perfect to cook with--they taste of chestnuts and honey.
Using 26 common garden flowers, author Leona Woodring Smith opens up a world of delights guaranteed to win any gourmet's heart.