Love one another, just as Jesus loves you...
Follow Dr. Jeremiah through the letters of 1, 2, 3, John and Jude in a chapter-by-chapter study that will help you understand what it meant to the people at the time it was written, and what it means to Christians today.
The Christians of the first century were facing a difficult battle. False teachers had emerged in their churches who were spreading a gospel that was contrary to the one proclaimed by Jesus. The situation was so distressing to John that he wrote a series of letters to call them to remember that Jesus' greatest command was for them to love God and to love one another.
Similarly, Jude called on believers to remember the truth of the gospel and persevere in the face of these attacks from false teachers.
Each of this study's twelve lessons is clearly organized to include:
The Jeremiah Bible Study Series captures Dr. David Jeremiah's forty-plus years of commitment in teaching the Word of God. In each study, you'll gain insights into the text, identify key stories and themes, and be challenged to apply the truths you uncover to your life. By the end of each study, you'll come away with a clear and memorable understanding of that Bible book.
Each study also contains a Leader's Guide.