Few Protestant writers today canmatch the influence of ParkerPalmer on American spirituality, contemplative practice, and Quakervalues. Palmer, who is founder andsenior partner of the Center forCourage & Renewal, a non-profitorganization that provides supportfor people in the service professions, has published dozens of poems, essays, and seven books, including thebestselling A Hidden Wholeness: TheJourney toward an Undivided Life.
Drawing from his published works, series editor Henry French hereselects 40 inspiring passages fromPalmer's writings that reflect Palmer'sspiritual journey and invites readersto explore their own spirituality underthe guidance of this noted author, educator, and activist.
When the 40-day journey is over, it will no longer be the guide'sdescription of the journey that stirs thereader's longing for God, but ratherthe reader's experience of the journeythat grounds her or his faith and life.
40-Day Journey with Parker J. Palmeropens with a short introduction tothe life of Parker Palmer and thenoffers forty chapters, each of whichincludes a reading from his writings, related Scripture passages, questionsto ponder, journal-reflection exercises, and a prayer. The book also includeshelps on how to use the book andhints on keeping a journal along withideas for further reading. Each chapterin the book includes space for notes.