This book is not a self help book. So don't read it like one. This book is a collection of things which helped me become a better individual and not just one thing bullshit. The principles in this book has helped me in shaping me the person that I am today from being an introvert, people pleaser, shy, coward or anything worse that I could have possibly been.
The average human living on this planet have not discovered them yet (which is a process and not a milestone or something). That's why they keep living on other people's expectations, other people's plan for their life and ultimately their life is not their anymore. People who ultimately do something significant are the ones who know who they are, why they are here and what's the value or significance they bring to life. In this book, I share with you (the reader) the five keys which helped me in knowing myself better and becoming a less awful human who was insecure about almost everything in his life to living a meaningful and effective life trying to inspire people to make world a better place to live.