The book entitled, A Casebook for Business Statistics: Laboratories for Decision Making, is a unique supplement forbasic business statistics textbooks and provides (1) cases/labs atthe introductory level; (2) integrated material for across-disciplinary curriculum; and (3) data sets containing recentand real data in a business setting. In addition, this book usesthe perspective of recent reforms in statistics education andincludes both guided and open-ended questions to emphasize: conceptual understanding; interactive data analysis; and discussionof interpretation of analysis. The laboratory exercises, whichcover topics ranging from descriptive analysis to forecasting, werewritten to build in difficulty and complexity sequentially as thestudent progresses through the casebook.
This casebook includes seventeen cases, all based on real data, from the Statistics, Finance and Marketing disciplines. Each caseoffers Excel and Minitab as tools in analyzing problems in thebusiness-world setting.
Suitable for a one or two-semster course in IntroductoryBusiness Statistics.