This book prepares doctoral learners and new counselor educators to enter into the profession of counselor education and supervision. The work outlines the total experience of teaching in counselor education by providing a practical guide for navigating higher education using best practices grounded in research and based on the lived experiences of seasoned counselor educator contributors. Using case scenarios, points of reflection, as well as the professional and personal accounts of current educators, this book serves as a soup-to-nuts guide outlining current best practices in counselor education. Written from a social justice perspective with efforts to emphasize diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging, more than 70% of the textbook contributors identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). Additionally, all contributors identify as female with varying sexual identities, physical body sizes, and abilities, thus disrupting the dominant narrative.
The chapters range in scope and cover topics such as best practices and strategies for teaching praxis, curriculum development, and strategies to develop CACREP specialization programs based on the 2024 CACREP standards and extant research. The book also provides chapters addressing recommendations for navigating higher education such as finding and landing the job, the first year as a counselor educator, the promotion and tenure process, and concludes with a section on personal and professional development for new and experienced counselor educators. A bonus feature of this book is the inclusion of a technological component offering a companion website with a repository of activities, exercises, and resources.