An abandoned Egyptian goddess follows her visions to Ireland, and finds more than she ever bargained for...
Bat Sitru has been alone for millenia. Once the favored goddess of two kingdoms, she's nothing but a shadow of herself. With no followers, no temples, and only the overly mischievous cat-goddess Bastet as a friend, it's difficult to lay claim to the title of "goddess."
Then her once faded visions return to her, pointing to a land of green slopes, mist, and rainbows. She is shown a hope for comfort and home, something that has long been missing from her existence.
But visions can be tricky, tricky things. After arriving in Sligo, Ireland, she wonders if they have led her astray. She's cold, damp, and her new landlords, the O'Loinsigh brothers, are not particularly welcoming. On top of that, she is confronted by a dead leprechaun on the rear stoop, a dagger that sucks the life of immortals, and territorial gods.
As past secrets collide with the present, will Bat be able to carve a place for herself in this new land? Or will this goddess be forgotten once more?