Are you a real estate broker? A real estate agent? Or you going to be buying a house or selling a house? Whether you are looking for a house buying, or house selling, or just looking to do some real estate investing, this book will give you valuable information to get you on your path to making a lot of money. Are you looking for a how to buy or sell a house book? Whether you sell or buy, are an agent, broker, or independent seller, you will need PR forms and this book has them; all of these pieces had high results Even if you don't have a clue of how to sell or buy, this book will give you that help and how-to.
If you are an agent or broker, or independent seller, this book has all the necessary information that you need to have a successful sale.
There is a bonus of PR pieces for agents to get clients—both sellers and buyers.
Valerie Hockert is a real estate broker and has had much success.