"A sweet bedtime tale that will delight young children and their caregivers. Children will delight in the simply drawn mixed-media illustrations that accurately depict recognizable animals. A wonderful addition to picture book collections and early literacy kits on bedtime." - School Library Journal
"I'm really good at giving kisses. Every night I make sure all the animals get a good-night kiss. Then they can sleep tight."
Before going to bed, Chick wants to give all the animals a good-night kiss. Meet the crocodile who's floating in the water, the rooster who's crowing loud, the horst running in the meadow, and the cutest art ever. From the big lion to the little hedgehog, they all get a sweet kiss from little Chick. Until he gets tired himself....
A sweet and endearing bedtime book. For good-night-kiss-givers ages 12 months and up, with a focus on the child's world.
At Clavis, our focus is on what's best for children. We believe that books play an important role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes in their life: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.