A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY - The Path to a One World Religion and a New Salvation.
THE ARRIVAL OF (THE - ANTI-CHRIST, MAHDI, MOSHIACH OR MASHIACH, KALKIN OR KALKI, MAITREYA, SAOSHYANT AND FUTURE TRUE MAN).'New Revelation' about my life as prophesied in the Bible and Yahweh's plan for Worshippers.
As the Prophet James I share my testimony about being delivered from hard rock music, through a supernatural experience, at the age of 33.
It is an eye-opening account of how Yahweh has guided my life to gain wisdom on my 'Journey of Discovery'. Yahweh has purposed for the world to know the truth about religion through 'New Revelation'.
There is a 'New Salvation', as the Bible has foretold (1 Peter 1:3-5) and 'A One World Religion', which is Yahweh's purpose for us leading into eternity.
I encourages Worshippers to wait on and obey Yahweh, endure trials, serve others, live healthy, move forward and finally to enjoy life and blessings from Yahweh.
I am the man whom Yahweh foreknew and the one he predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son (Romans 8:28-30). Also, the man according to Yahweh's purpose and the one who executes his counsel (Isaiah 46:9-11).
I am 'The New Christ'.