The Church is missing an ingredient in equipping the saints. Our ministry is not our identity; it is simply our gifts and calling. Rather than being transformed into the image of prophet or a teacher, we are to be conformed to the image of Christ. This is a major paradigm shift in equipping the saints for ministry. God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets (see Amos 3:7).
A Paradigm Shift of Prophetic Revelation is written to lead us into the wisdom, likeness, and character of Jesus/Yeshua-the model of all New Covenant prophecy. It was gleaned from 20 years experience and will show you what New Covenant prophecy is about, including the three categories of prophecy, biblical standards, and the office of a prophet. In these pages you will learn the anatomy of a prophetic word and how to process pure prophetic words. And, finally, you will learn what not to do in practicing prophecy in the Church.