Dr. Mary Davies is a present-day medical intern at a hospital in Australia during the height of a pandemic in 2021. In the midst of treating her oxygen-starved patients, she was suddenly whisked away by federal agents, transported via a helicopter to a secure site, where she was told that she was to be part of a seven-man team on a time travel mission to prevent the pandemic from happening. They were to travel to 2019 to a particular site in Wuhan, China.
However, things did not go as planned.
Transported to the wrong place and the wrong time, she had to fight her way to survive another deadly disease and local customs. With three men of historical importance vying for her affection - Sir Robert Boyle, John Locke, and Thomas Sydenham - could she finally choose among them and carve her own name in history?
London, England, 1664 I was hyperventilating.
I could not make out the face behind the horrible mask. But I recognized it for what it was.
The bird-like head, complete with two hollows for eyes and its oversized beak.
They were worn by plague doctors many centuries ago.
They must have made a mistake. We were supposed to only go three years back! Where were the others? Was I the only one stranded in this time and space continuum?
How would I go back? Would I change history by being here and now?
Could I ever return to my own timeline?
Get lost in the romance across space and time in Amelia Danver's first historical romance novel.
Genre: Historical, Romance, Medical