In this third volume, Scott focuses on where the 'ekklesia' (the New Testament word for 'church', but a word that carries a strong political meaning) connects with wider society. Although distancing himself from such language as 'the seven mountains of influence' and its default position of bringing about change from the 'top down', he seeks to show how as servants we can and should engage. Within the volume are some pointed questions with respect to money and the need for business to find a different 'bottom line' than profit. Acting redemptively (not perfectly) being the criterion for all engagement and interaction.
Explorations in Theology is a series of short books that offer some fresh perspectives on common themes. They are certainly not the final word, but are intended to open possibilities beyond a theology that selects a narrow set of 'proof-texts' (while ignoring others). Written in simple language, never demanding agreement with the author, they will become a resource to develop one's own convictions.