A freelance thief, who unwittingly has magical powers and can turn herself invisible, teams up with a wizard who offers to teach her more spells in exchange for the opportunity to observe how she manages her disappearing act, but when a particular incantation repeatedly has calamitous impact on their island they must work together to save its inhabitants and set things right.
Thrill seekers of wizardry and mischief will be CONFOUNDED and STUPEFIED as Hammerbang and Rice square off against various extra-dimensional creatures including the FEARSOME Octo-skull and the HIDEOUS, indestructible imp! Readers will be SHOCKED when the land of Precarious becomes DOMINATED by vampires and THREATENED WITH ANNIHILATION by always hungry hydra of DOOM! Tuck in tight and be prepared for adventures that may well BLOW YOUR MIND OUT THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD!