Is life getting better? At the accelerating rate of advancing technologies? Food availability, income, and life span are up for the lucky few while disease, child mortality, and violence are barely improving for the rest all across the globe. The world is far from perfect, necessities and luxuries alike are getting cheaper but are still not accessible for the vast majority. Population growth is slowing but is exploding in the poorest countries and declining in the wealthier. Africa is still far behind following Asia out of poverty. The Internet and the mobile phone are invading people's private lives as never before. The optimists who dominate public discourse insist that we will soon reach a turning point and things will start to get better for the poor. But they have been saying this for two hundred years.
Yet Jarl Jensen does more than describe how things are not getting better. He explains why and offers solutions. Prosperity comes from everybody working for everybody else which can only happen when everybody has money. The habit of exchange and specialization—which started more than 100,000 years ago—has been undermined by the debt driven economy over the last 100 years. The mutual dependence on debt are causes for despair and prevents us from living with abundance.
This bold book covers the entire sweep of America's economic history, from the Constitution to the Great Recession, from the creation of the Federal Reserve to the creation of FIAT money. It ends with declaration of change that we can not, should not and must not continue to let the commercial banks of the world unnecessarily force economic limitations on the rest of us. Acute, refreshing, and revelatory, 'America's History of Empowering Wealth' will change your way of thinking about the world for the better.