Lexus Davenport, a talented ballerina, was struggling to make ends meet. Desperate for money, she signed up for a two-week experiment that promised to pay her $10K. However, little did she know that this experiment would change her life forever.
After the experiment, Lexus received support from a mysterious patron, who revealed himself to be captivated by her talent and beauty. He pushed her back into a world she thought she had left behind, forcing her to walk a fine line between pleasure and pain, love and obsession.
As the stakes get higher and the risks greater, Lexus struggles to navigate her own desires and the demands of her new situation. She must learn to maintain her grip on reality as the consequences of her choices become more profound than she ever imagined.
Will Lexus be able to handle the risks of this new world, or will she lose everything she's ever wanted?
This book is a continuation of An Exquisite Collection and follows An Exquisite Experiment. It is best read in order and not as a standalone.