Nora Blasington is cursed, born to the notorious George Blasington, renowned thief and traitor. Avenging her father is her lot in life and she is determined to prove that three ton gentlemen illegitimately benefited from his death, stealing her father's properties. Properties that rightfully belonged to her brother, the 4th Earl of Wargrove.
Only the Wicked Three are dead and can no longer reveal their secrets. No bother! She will wreak vengeance on the sons of those wicked ones since they have what she wants: Henbury Hall, the Cornish tin mines and the Henbury stallions.
The Weatherby Ball may be cursed, but Nora ably catches the eye of Gabriel Sutter, Earl of Carlow, the current owner of Henbury Hall. Just the man she needs. He unwittingly falls into her trap.
What she doesn't know is that Gabriel is quite taken with the mysterious and oddly dramatic masked beauty. Though, he might have been more cautious had he known Nora Blasington was hiding behind the mask. Oh hell, he had to marry at some point. It might as well be tonight, and it might as well be to the woman who'd just tried to blackmail him.