Buy as many lattes as you like. Spend extravagance on the things you love. Live your rich life instead of keeping track of your finances with this simple, powerful and efficient six-week program to gain control of your finances.
Many young people are living from paycheck to paycheck, with no savings and no plans for their financial future.
Anyone Can Become Rich helps you save money on autopilot while allowing yourself to spend guilt-free on the things you enjoy.
This book teaches you how to choose the right long term investments and bank account. With its signature non-BS stance, it shows how to take advantage of all the potential benefits of your credit card. Debt and student loans. Learn the correct words to negotiate a raise. Set up the automatic payment system and get started on your life. Plus, new material on how to overcome psychological hurdles, love and money, new investment options, and a realistic audience story on how to apply the principles that lead to a rich life.