YOU are Greenville's only hope.
You choose which path you take. You can fail your mission or succeed your wildest expectations. But beware, within these pages lies great danger – giant bugs, ants, ladybirds, praying mantises and more. You might come to a grizzly end, or be transformed but whatever happens a real hero keeps fighting, even after they fail.
Are you ready?
Discover a world of spies and giant insects and danger. Solve problems. Decipher code. You must defeat the Bugman, the evil villain turning insects into monsters, or die spectacularly. On the way, you never know what will happen - you might be caught in a sand trap with a waiting antlion, fly on beautiful giant butterflies, become an explorer or a time traveller or a spy. There are over 25 endings, from gloriously funny, to heroic, to splatter-horror. What path do you want to take?
Warning: this story contains a mix of real and fictional science.