Shelby is office property. That means she's hired specifically for public use- office use. She spends most of her time waiting to be used together with her colleague, Jenny, who is much better at the job than she is. Jenny comes to work dressed to the nines and then swiftly removes all of that, giving everyone a good show as she waltzes into her assigned cubicle, the transparent walls ensuring the show doesn't have to end.
Shelby's part is much less glamorous. She works in the dingy basement with a single noisy air-conditioning unit to keep her company. While she technically has the same role that Jenny plays, she is assigned a comfortable little box and a character that she's' supposed to roleplay.
For a job that's supposed to be as exciting as it is perverse, it's mind-numbingly boring. Sometimes, there would be days before someone comes down to see her and her schedule is left glaringly empty.
Well, she's tired of playing second fiddle to Jenny. She's going to step up her game and get people to come down here, even if it means breaking all the terms of her contract and risking getting fired.