Brought from Avalon, through the Heart of Time, the Travelers come to the beginning of history on a rescue mission, but life gets complicated. In order to get home, the Travelers have to follow the amulet of Avalon that points the way to the next time gate. They move through time zones that center around the many lives of the Kairos, the Traveler in time, the Watcher over history, a person who never lives a quiet life.
They have unlimited vitamins and elf crackers for their health; and unlimited bullets, needed far too often. They ride mustangs brought back from the old west, and wear fairy weave clothing that can be shaped and changed so they can blend into the local culture. By a special gift of the Kairos, they can understand and be understood no matter the local language, which helps, especially when they deal with thieves, brigands, armies and empires, gods and monsters, spirits and creatures, space aliens, and the great unknown. They try hard not to disturb history. All they want is to get home in one piece, but they quickly learn that they are not the only ones lost in time.
Some years earlier, a demon-goddess captured the Heart of Time and used it to fill the time zones with all manner of evil, in the effort to make time turn out more to her liking. Thus, the travelers decided at the beginning to help the Kairos clean out the time zones, but as Doctor Procter explains in the pilot episode, "I would not worry about hunting unsavories. I don't imagine it will take long before they start hunting us."
Season 4 brings the travelers face to face with the ghouls on their home turf, where the demon-goddess dropped them from the future. Good luck with that. Each time zone has enough trouble of its own.
Look for the entire Avalon series, including The Prequel: Invasion of Memories, where the Kairos needs to face the alien Vordan that are preparing to invade. In The Pilot Episode, Seasons 1 Travelers, 2 Bokarus, and 3 Werewolf, the Travelers move through the days of myth and legend. In Seasons 4 Ghouls, 5 Djin, and 6 Witches & Outlaws, the Travelers journey through the days of ancient empires and the birth of great civilization. In Seasons 7, 8, and 9, the Travelers enter the modern era, where the dangers grow exponentially. Enjoy Season Four, Ghouls and Happy Reading. –MGK *