Find out who you are without porn is a response to common beliefs that pornography is harmless, artistic or even great and beneficial to your health and wellbeing.
Within the pages of this book are real-life stories that are compiled to demonstrate how pornography had literally ruined the lives of so many people in various areas of their lives. The book will prove without a doubt, that pornography has the potential to rub you off the most beautiful values and people that you treasure in life.
As I demonstrate the harms of pornography in 12 essential areas in everyone's life, I will also include the benefits of not getting involved with pornography so that you may discover how beautiful your life is without relying and depending on porn.
Wael Ibrahim, best known for his work on fighting the plague of pornography addiction and the harmful impacts of irresponsible media.
He's an international speaker, trainer, teacher, and a certified life coach. He is also the founder of MentorPLUS and a very proud family man of an unmatched mother, siblings, great wife, and precious children. Currently, Wael lives in Australia as he works as a student counselor one of the largest schools in Western Australia.