Bumblebees are amazing little creatures, aren't they? They work as hard as honey bees, but they often get overshadowed.
Have you ever wondered what bumblebees do all day?
Well, you don't have to wonder anymore! Meet Bailee as she explains what it's like to be a bumblebee!
As your little ones turn the pages of this beautifully illustrated picture book, they will meet Bailee and read all about her life.
Bailee will take you on a colorful journey into her busy day pollinating flowers, berries, and fruit. Your little ones will see the Queen Bee and her offspring active at work.
This adorable book is the perfect introduction to bees for your little ones to learn about their vital role in nature.
It will surely inspire the next generation of eco-citizens to help protect Bailee and her bee family by growing native plants and flowers in our backyards and helping our fluffy pollinators thrive!