This is a story of Balachandra Swamy (Bala) - an ordinary boy from an ancient city of Madurai in India, who aspires to become a great space scientist and an innovator.
Since childhood he has been fascinated with two things - Ancient Hindu Culture (temples, mythological tools and weapons, etc.) and Space technology. His parents wanted him to stay in India and join the same organization where they work (NSRO - National Space Research Organization), however he decides to join the world-famous Space Research Organization in the USA (WASA - World Aeronautics Space Agency) for better exposure. He is living a perfect life with the person he loves the most and a job which he has dreamt.
When everything seems perfect, a sudden change compels him to come back to India and accept challenges from a powerful gangster turned politician.
In parallel, things change dramatically when he finds a connection between science and Hindu mythology. A staunch believer in Lord Shiva, he is bestowed with superpowers which he uses to suppress the inhuman dominance by the Politician.
What was the challenge? Why did he change his mind to be back home and serve his nation? How did he bestow with the superpowers? what are those superpowers? What has he sacrificed to overcome the hurdles?
This is the first book from the 'Bala' Trilogy which is based on both factual and fictitious science concepts combined with some beliefs from Hindu mythology and Cosmology to give you the best experience of a lifetime.
Behold, imagine and feel the new real world in which virtuous fights with evil with all the powers from the universe.