A perspective-shifting and deeply pleasurable collection of wisdom from future Baseball Hall of Famer Ichiro Suzuki "[Reveals] a person who values Zen qualities such as simplicity and harmony and who revels in challenge, not achievement."--ESPN online When Ichiro Suzuki, already a superstar in Japan, debuted in Major League Baseball, his singular performance on the field introduced Americans to one of the greatest and most unique talents to ever play the game. But his unusually candid off-the-field comments captivated fans in equal measure, revealing a startling and provocative mind.
Curated by acclaimed nonfiction author David Shields, this little prize of a book collects some of Ichiro's greatest hits, showcasing his dry wit and penchant for distilling simple but profound ideas into unforgettable observations:
"I have no idea what it's going to be like playing in the majors this year. I can only imagine what it might be like, so I'll just have to experience it." "Please don't think about the streak too hard. Someday it's going to be over and today's the day it's over." "If I ever saw myself saying I'm excited going to Cleveland, I'd punch myself in the face, because I'm lying." "Even if there are things that become somewhat stressful, I think they're interesting. Isn't it because of those things that I am able to be struck by the significance of being alive?" Originally published in 2001 and updated in 2012 with a new introduction by David Shields,
Baseball Is Just Baseball is a document of not only a popular athlete but an impressively thoughtful human being.