For Introduction to Reading and Beginning Reading courses. This developmentally organized, constructivist reading methods book places the reader squarely in today's reading classroom, grounding theoretical discussion with self-regulating pedagogy and providing a wealth of actual classroom examples and activities. The result is a polished, engaging book that will quickly instill in future teachers the joy of helping children learn to read and read to learn. KEY TOPICS: Follows children's literacy progress as they develop from being early readers to being interpretive readers to being independent, critically thinking readers. It weaves together a discussion of skills, strategies, and assessment procedures, and connects ideas to Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards. Developmental organization reflects the way children's literacy evolves--divides coverage into Early Readers, Interpretive Readers, and Critical Readers, addressing key literacy topics as they affect each learning stage. MARKET: For future teachers who will teach beginning reading.