In the place once known as Wyoming, the earth changes have left their scars on the land and the people, but there are signs that healing has begun. Little here is as it was Before--the rivers flow in the opposite direction to enter the sea where mountains once stood--yet the inhabitants that fled from the change have begun to return.
Called to be a teacher, and alarmed when she realizes there are no children here, Alex is assured there is much to be taught, and as she finds, to be learned. Indeed, she herself was chosen--both because of what she knows and who she is.
Those who have preceded her to the settlement of Chosen seem to know more about her than she knows herself. She communicates easier with the animals than the people. They are the companions, and she has been chosen by Solomon, a horse who teaches her to trust her own feelings.
In her struggle to find her place in this strange new world, Alex discovers long-forgotten and scattered possessions--faded family photos, torn pieces of a map, and the necklace given to her by her mother--are clues to who the people of Chosen were and are to be.
Then one night the planets align and a literal shot in the dark may signal the end. But things are never as they appear. In accordance with the legends and the unnamed force that summoned them all, Alex and the others are yet becoming who and what they were meant to be. Like all of us. Chosen.