In a quaint Polish town, Marchian meets Michelina, a chance encounter that ignites a passionate whirlwind romance. They pack their bags for England, where a bright future seems within reach. But beneath the surface of their idyllic life, darkness lurks.
As Marchian's obsession with fitness spirals into steroid abuse, his loving demeanor transforms into a volatile rage, turning their home into a battlefield. When Michelina decides to leave with their son, Marchian's desperation drives him to a horrifying act of betrayal.
Luring her with false promises, he enacts a twisted plan to eliminate her, binding and burying her alive to secure his grip on fatherhood. But Michelina's spirit proves unbreakable. Armed with her diamond ring, she fights for her life, clawing her way back to freedom.
"Beneath The Surface" is a gripping thriller based on a true story of love turned lethal and the extraordinary strength of a woman determined to survive. Will Michelina's courage be enough to expose the man she once loved, or will she remain forever trapped beneath the weight of his darkness?