Cute Mini Leopards - The Bengal Cat: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Bengal cat
The spotted coat and also the physique are reminiscent of the wild ancestors, which were crossed into this line of pedigree cats only towards the end of the 20th century. Despite the wild heritage, Bengal cats are very affectionate and strongly attached to humans. The book explains what you need to consider if in the future you will share your home with a Bengal cat. It answers the frequently asked questions:
Should Bengal cats be kept as apartment cats?
What should I pay attention to when caring for the cat's coat, claws and teeth?
What do I feed the cat?
What precautions are important for the health of the cats?
Do Bengal cats need water to play?
Something else we would like to reveal. In the book you will find tips on how to educate and train the cat, because the highly intelligent animals need activity and should be encouraged.
- Breed characteristics
- History of the ancestors and the breed
- Character
- Demands of the breed
- Outdoor or indoor cat?
- Healthcare and vet visits
- Selection of the animal
- Preparation for moving in
- Education and training
- Sudden behavior problems
In addition, there is an appendix with detailed instructions and valuable tips.
Become a team with your Bengal cat and learn how to deal with it lovingly!