Perfect Books and Brews has caught the eye of the witch council in charge of policing the magical world and they have dispatched a warlock enforcer, Wes Griffith, to investigate if the three witches have broken the cardinal rule of their order – never use their magic on non-magic folk. With his father on the council, he can't afford to come back with an unfavorable or partial report. Alexa Boyer, the coffee shop's appointed accountant, knows that they need extra help for the holiday season, but the profits simply aren't there. So, when a handsome and charming warlock comes to town in search of work and is willing to do it for cheap, she hires him on the spot, much to the disapproval of her two associates. The longer they work together, Alexa discovers that she's not only grateful for Wes's arrival, but she definitely enjoys watching him make lattes all day long. Being only a half-blooded witch, she thought her dark mind magic wouldn't make an untimely appearance like it did for her friends. Neither did she ever think she would meet her Twin Flame. She couldn't be more wrong when the community erupts in emotional mayhem with petty disagreements leading to assault and unrequited love blossoming into affairs. Wes is the first to notice and it casts the coffee shop in an unfavorable light.