What 'Beyond the Illusion of the ego' suggests is an operational synthesis that may be taken as the basic scheme for any possible realizative Way. But what is a realizative Way, if not one that unveils the Fullness and Knowledge of oneself? Yoga speaks of seven centers of consciousness that express energy-fire-light. Some of these have to be awakened so that the energy-fire may rise along a specific line and lead the consciousness to the universal dimension. Undoubtedly, this implies an overturning of values, towards the unveiling of marvelous potentialities, the prerogative of the human soul.
When an aspirant is stimulated to undertake the Way leading to the realization of the Self, when he or she is no longer interested in the multitude of books available on the most varied subjects and has ceased talking haphazardly of spiritual things, his consciousness demands of him a more operative and decisive action, aimed at solving his restless yearnings. At this point, from a vague wandering, a searching here and there, he will move on to the concrete application of his sådhanå (realizative ascesis) and to the choice of a Path that is most congenial to his psychological state.