The Holy Birman cats - Cuddly cats that immediately conquer the heart: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Birman cat
They do not originate from Burma, today's Myanmar, and never lived in a temple there. Nevertheless, one believes immediately that these cats with the very friendly nature come from a Buddhist temple. In fact, they are breedings from Persian and Siamese cats, which were probably first bred in a French kennel.
The Sacred Burmese is a point cat, so only the ears, nose, face, legs and tail are dark colored. Deep blue eyes and white paws are the most important breed characteristics.
The book answers important questions about keeping and raising these furry dwarfs:
Why are Birman cats indoor-only cats?
What should be considered in the care of fur, claws and teeth?
How can you recognize good cat food?
What prevention is important for the health of cats?
What is important in the home furnishings?
What makes the Birman cat so unique?
You can find this content in the book:
- Myths of the breed
- Breed characteristics
- Character
- Keeping an indoor cat in a species-appropriate way
- Health and veterinary visits
- Selection of the animal
- Education and training
- Recognizing indications of diseases
- Appendix with detailed instructions and valuable tips
- With more than 10 illustrations!