Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Start Forging Your Knife
If you intend to start knife making you need to have the right attitude and mindset. This is because knife making should not just be seen as a capital intensive business, but an investment also. Knife making could be done as a hobby as well as a job at the same time, this way it can be enjoyed while being sustainable.
Knife making as a business can be very profitable as long as you begin properly meaning that you should calculate the budget to set it up along with the prices of the tools and materials that will be needed for it. Some people start in a very simple way by saving cash gradually in an account separate from the usual bank account or by making use of the piggy bank account. At a point in time, it might seem like you are not making enough cash from selling the knives which you made, but over time the profit made will become obvious.
This book will guide you on the tools needed for bladesmithing, the anatomy of a knife, how to make a knife using the method of stock removal, heat treatment of knife, how to forge a knife. This book will also guide you on how to make knife handle, how to make tongs and the final process in knife making.
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