⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Revenge is served SMOKING HOT in this smoldering, second chance, slow burn, billionaire romance from bestselling author Lydia Michaels!"
Asher Roan has always been smart, but it took a fortune for him to become popular, and he'll never forget those who made his journey especially challenging along the way.
When Asher earns his first billion, he seizes the opportunity to go after the woman who crushed his heart in high school. He uses his IQ to become a master of seduction in order to master the infamous Scarlet Farrow.
Somehow, Scarlet's drunken rant is accidentally published in the local paper. After publicly swearing off men, she receives the invitation of a lifetime from a mysterious gentleman named Mr. Stone. Tempted by this secret admirer who promises to be the answer to her prayers, she agrees to engage in fourteen nights of sophisticated seduction, having her darkest fantasies delivered by a perfect stranger.
The catch? She will never look him in the eye and must wear a blindfold the entire time.