This anonymous fifteenth-century French verse-prose translation of Boethius' Consolatio Philosophiae is found in a single manuscript: Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, 5038D. The text consists of a revised version of the meters from the anonymous verse translation Böece de Confort (edited by Marcel Noest and published in Carmina Philosophiae. Journal of the International Boethius Society, 8-9 (1999-2000), v-xviii, 1-331), 11 (2002), 9-15), and a new translation of the prose sections. It belongs to a network of related translations: Boeces: De Consolacion (c. 1320), Le Roman de Fortune et de Felicité de Renaut de Louhans (1336/1337), Le Livre de Boece de Consolacion (c. 1350-1360), and the Böece de Confort (c. 1380), which have now all been edited, and is the second-to-last of the twelve distinct medieval French translations of the Consolatio Philosophiae. It is an individual attempt through réécriture to master Boethius' thought. Critical material in French (Introduction, Notes, Glossary, Index of Proper Names) accompanies the edition of the text.