This handy volume is a one-stop source for comprehensive information about books on early American history and culture published between 1996 and 2000.
Intended to help anyone who uses research materials sort through the vast amount of literature on the topic, Books on Early American History and Culture, 1996-2000: An Annotated Bibliography covers more than 700 titles published during those years. The volume includes monographs, reference works, exhibition catalogs, and essay collections reviewed in at least one of 45 general periodicals and historical journals. Each entry provides the name of the book, its author(s) or editor(s), publisher, date of publication, ISBN and/or OCLC number(s), Library of Congress call number and/or Dewey number, and the number of times the work has been cited in journal literature covered by the Thomson ISI Arts and Humanities and Social Science citation indexes. Following each detailed citation is a brief summary of the book and a list of journals in which the book has been reviewed.