Bena Fidi Outpost, humanity's most distant colony, has vanished from the surface of Fidi. But the problems begin when it comes back.
Stasia is now on the run from Sentinel—the point at the end of the Sovereign Alliance's spearhead. Is the security agency pursuing her to find out what she remembers about the outpost's three-minute disappearance? Or are they trying to silence the survivors?
Zara is enduring a series of Sentinel-sponsored interrogations, and faced with questions about the vanishing that she has no answers for. But why is everyone so cagey about the other survivors? And why is Sentinel convinced that she had something to do with the disappearance?
Ellie, a freelance news photographer, is on Earth. And that's the problem: only moments ago she was on Bena Post. How did she just cross an unknown number of light-years instantaneously? Why does no one at home remember her leaving? And what are the marks developing under her skin?
Three survivors of one unexplained event will face their own personal struggles as they work to piece together what happened to Bena Post before their own bodies and minds betray them.