During the Cold War between Russia and the United State, with the doomsday clock at three minutes to midnight, small groups of protestors risked their lives and freedom in civil disobedience at nuclear weapon's sites. Join a rabble rousing Catholic priest and Methodist minister, a kindergarten teacher, and a Quaker homemaker, as they symbolically beat swords into plowshares, or in this case, hammer on a B-52 bomber. Arrested and spending time in jail, they bought the world time through doing time.
Experience another time and understand of why people take such risks
Patricia Robertson was active in the peace movement during the 1980's, participating in civil disobedience at K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base in the upper peninsula of Michigan and at Williams International, the maker of parts for cruise missiles. She currently resides in Michigan with her husband and Seamus, the perennial puppy.
Patricia Robertson's book takes the reader down the little-trod path of heroic sacrifice in the name of faith and action. Ken Wyatt, retired editorial writer, Jackson Citizen Patriot (Michigan).