The continuing adventures of Cabin Relese - former superhero, family man and now reluctant director of the top-secret Base Security. Space, time, the paranormal - there are no limits to what he must face.
What is the macabre connection between the disappearance of an au pair girl, the latest cover version of an obscure 60s pop song and a desperate and paranoid Austrian clockmaker with a sinister secret?
In search of the truth, Cabin crosses swords with a deeply suspicious Government official - and the enigmatic Captain Sendra, a man with knowledge that could help Cabin, but who has the authority and determination to undermine his position at Base Security.
Working with his loyal team, Cabin begins to uncover the tragic consequences of a power struggle surrounding the search for an extraterrestrial being beyond imagination.
'Cabin Relese and the Song of the Dreamers' is Nick Goodman's brand new novelisation of his original 1991 six-part storyline that formed the second story of the fourth season in the long-running, 'home grown' sci-fi adventure series 'Life After...'