The coupling constants that appear in The Standard Model and The Unified SuperStandard Theory of the author have been the subject of much speculation. In this book we offer a procedure to calculate them in a relatively consistent manner using an extension of the Eigenvalue Function of QED. The application of this procedure, modified from the author's 1974 Physical Review D paper, leads to an accurate value for the Electrodynamics fine structure constant of α = 0.007297354 compared to the known value α = 0.007297353 (with inverses of 137.0359801 and 137.0359991 respectively.) Thus the value of α is intrinsic to QED and does not originate in cosmological or other Physical sources. The universe and Life, which are closely related to the value of α, are dependent on the internal features of QED.
In addition to determining α we also determine the ElectroWeak and the Strong SU(3) coupling constants to have values close to their known experimental values. We have a unique procedure based on Quantum Field Theory perturbative calculations that give approximately the known coupling constants.
The ability of our modified 1973-4 calculation of Eigenvalue Functions, together with the new insights into understanding the precise method to obtain coupling constant eigenvalues, is encouraging. It opens the possibility that The Unified SuperStandard Theory has within itself the mechanism for determining the constants appearing within it. It raises the hope that a similar self-determination mechanism may exist within the theory to determine the masses appearing in the Higgs particles sector of the theory.
The result would be a self-contained all-encompassing fundamental theory--the Holy Grail of fundamental Physics.