The torch has been passed at lofty Cardinal Machines. Rene and Clary Cardinal's attempted theft of C001-Oisin unit, foiled. And Zoey Collins is back from Soleil Moon Base. Finally, she can reunite with her android again. Last time she saw him, he was badly injured. Now? Ocean's fully restored, and as bright and beautiful as ever. He's a sight for sore eyes, which presents its own problems.
Easing back into her life is impossible with Noah feeling the heat of his impending court date, and case work piling up. Zoey's readjusting when a new case falls in her lap. And it's a walk in a park! The illegal clearance of a roadside grove from in front of an obnoxiously wealthy business-woman's home. The first suspect? The prodigal husband, fun-loving, wander-lusty, and... missing in action?
Setting out to track the runaway-husband exposes some unexpected angles about Ocean, too, and one development that calls into question the idea all android injuries are skin deep. Plus, things in the case aren't adding up. What should have been 1-and-done work churns up sketchy employees, oddities, and uncooperative assistants. It doesn't take Zoey Collins long to figure out this whole case is going sideways....