Joshua Savage, a successful American businessman, suddenly finds himself the sole heir of an ancient Scottish estate of medieval beauty, Castle Lochwind. Throwing caution to the wind, Joshua decides to move to Scotland and embark on his new lifestyle.
So much has happened in the fifteen years since the immortal sorceress Lybr'anna left their baby, Aaron, with Josh to raise as a mortal child. The now teenager has discovered an ancient alchemy room hidden in the old tunnel that leads to the barn, starting a chain of events that would unleash vile creatures of ancient origin. Forbidden by Josh, a paranormal group, during Josh's grand Halloween Party, sneaks onto Castle Lochwind property and ventures deep within the graveyard and frees a dangerous and unimaginable shifter with titanic powers and an immense hatred for the lord of Castle Lockwind. From the farthest corners of his estate to the darkest depths of the castle, Josh is accosted by an immortal villain that he had never imagined could exist.
Joshua and his friends must rid Castle Lochwind, once again, of a beast that would have its revenge.