Chris Black brings you the THIRD nail-biting thriller in the Chameleon series, is full of twists and turns and simply dripping with historical facts and events unfurling seamlessly throughout, along with the omnipresent apparatus of Himmler and Heydrich's evil legions.
Hitler draws up his plans of conquest in Eastern Europe while the western powers adopt appeasement in the face of Hitler's aggression.
A terrible secret is out, a SS Dr. is murdered and a pitiless evil is exposed, with a horrifying vision of what is yet to come.
The Gestapo are closing in on the enigmatic assassin known as the "Ghost" ... Or are they?
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant-Colonel) Graf von Hagendorf dispatches Kurt, Codename "Chameleon" on a secret mission to Switzerland, to find the Brotherhood of the Blood Eagle, who assassinated Vrubel and the Rogue Czechs: "Chameleon, the Terror Begins". He's about to return to Germany empty-handed, when the mysterious "Maximilian Dracon" engages him in conversation. But Herr Dracon is far more than a lonely old man looking for a conversation, as Kurt quickly learns.
Kurt is on a deadly mission … to resist the Nazis by any and all means he can. The von Wallenberg Orchestra joins forces with the mysterious Brotherhood of the Blood Eagle in their deadly resistance to the Nazi regime.
The past comes back to haunt Kurt, when "Mischa: book one, Chameleon" confesses he can identify Kurt as the Abwehr agent in the Türkenstrasse House "Chameleon", but unseen forces are at work…
Richard "Chameleon, the Terror Begins" is drafted into the army.
Victor, "The Terror Begins" must choose between his friendship with Kurt and his duty to the SD.
In a world of secrets, lies, murder and conspiracy, it's hard to know who your friends really are.