Chest and Airway Problems
In this course Chest and Airway Problems, you will study chest and airway problems. Chest trauma refers to general information about chest injuries as well as information about specific chest injuries. Airway problems includes information on devices such as the esophageal obturator airway, the esophageal gastric tube airway and the endotracheal tube. All of these devices can be used to open and maintain an airway. If other life-saving methods are not successful in opening and maintaining an airway, an opening is made in the trachea to bypass the site of an upper airway obstruction. This subject matter is of vital importance in saving lives and included within this course.
This course is part of our Injuries and Emergencies series.
Includes a questions and answers section at the end of each lesson.
Designed with full illustrations and diagrams included.
- Chest Trauma
- Airway Management
- Cricothyroidotomy